Bracket Generator.

This website will allow YOU to generate a tournament bracket for any style of competition that you wish to create.

On this website you will be taught the steps to make a randomised or selected 2-32 team tounament.

Bracket genererator HQ.

How To Create a Bracket

After clicking on the link above, selcect create bracket. After that select a title for your Bracket.

Then select the type of elimination (single elimination or doulble elimination) as well as, the type of sport/game.

Then select participants and decide upon how many teams you would like to play with.

Next change the team names and press the randomise button if you want.

Now you can choose how the bracket looks (personal preference) by selecting themes and choosing whatever you want.

Then select settings to modify the bracket to your specific needs.

Most of the settings you can leave however I suggest turning on 'Show round titles' and 'Double Sided' to make it look more professional.

Then you click save and create an account.